The “Orange Glow” bouquet is the perfect choice to add a touch of vibrancy and warmth to any occasion. This striking arrangement features beautiful orange roses, a symbol of warmth and energy, carefully packaged to serve as a perfect gift or a stunning decoration for your home.
Attractive Design:
The bouquet is elegantly arranged and wrapped in a sleek white cover, which highlights the vibrant beauty of the orange roses.
High Quality:
Fresh, natural roses are carefully selected to ensure the best quality and longest-lasting flowers.
Perfect Gift:
Ideal for all occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings.
Vibrant Touch:
Adds a lively and colorful accent to any space, whether in your home or office.
Birthday gifts
Anniversary celebrations
Wedding decorations
Home and office décor
Surprise gifts for loved ones
Care Instructions:
Cut the stems at a 45-degree angle before placing them in water.
Change the water every two days to maintain the roses’ freshness.
Avoid placing the bouquet in areas exposed to heat or direct sunlight.