The Graduation Glowing Bouquet is a stunning hand bouquet that blends the beauty of nature with the elegance of premium flowers. This bouquet is carefully crafted from a selection of natural flowers, offering a magical touch with its vibrant colors for any occasion. Additionally, by removing the graduation cap, the Glowing Bouquet can be used for decorating special celebrations or as the perfect gift to express emotions during romantic occasions.
Gift Components
The Graduation Glowing Bouquet includes the following flowers:
Delphinium: Light blue flowers arranged in small clusters that provide a classic and elegant appearance.
Roses: Available in various colors like red and pink, with large open petals, known for their captivating beauty and fragrant aroma.
Eucalyptus: Silver-green, long, thin leaves that add a refreshing and lively touch to the bouquet.
Eryngium: Blue and purple spiky flowers, adding a unique and sophisticated look with their distinctive blooms.
Chrysanthemums (Chryz): Available in colors like yellow, pink, and white, featuring large blossoms for a bold statement.
Event Decoration: Adds a touch of elegance and natural beauty, perfect for decorating different celebrations.
Romantic Gift: An ideal romantic gift to express sincere emotions during Valentine’s Day or anniversaries.
Everyday Décor: Can be used to decorate tables and shelves, creating a cozy and cheerful atmosphere.